Water Efficiency and Conversation Policy

The Water Efficiency and Conservation Policy of ISG Airport Hotel summarize its commitment to responsible and sustainable water management practices. Our aim is to ensure the efficient, equitable, and environmentally responsible use of water resources in all our operations and activities. This policy serves as a guiding document supporting water management goals for all employees and stakeholders.

This policy applies to all facilities, employees, and contractors of ISG Airport Hotel and encompasses all activities related to water supply, consumption, treatment, and discharge, among others.

ISG Airport Hotel commits to the following water management objectives. We are dedicated to responsible and sustainable water management. By adhering to this policy, we believe we can contribute to the responsible management of water resources, protect the environment, and ensure the availability of clean and safe water for current and future generations.
3.1. Water Efficiency: Strive to reduce water consumption and enhance water use efficiency in our operations and activities.
3.2. Environmental Responsibility: Minimize adverse effects on local ecosystems, water bodies, and aquatic life through responsible water use and discharge practices.
3.3. Compliance: Ensure adherence to all local, national, and international regulations and standards related to water.
3.4. Resource Conservation: Promote responsible management of water resources to sustain the availability of water for future generations.

4.1. Top Management: The top management will lead by example in responsible water management and provide necessary resources for the effective implementation of this policy.
4.2. Employees: All employees are responsible for understanding and implementing this policy, expressing concerns related to water management, and participating in water conservation efforts.
4.3. Contractors and Suppliers: All contractors and suppliers working with ISG Airport Hotel are expected to comply with this policy and are encouraged to adopt similar practices.

5.1. Water Efficiency: Implement technologies and practices that conserve water in our operations. Monitor and report water consumption regularly, identifying areas for improvement. Encourage water recycling and reuse where feasible.
5.2. Environmental Responsibility: Monitor and control water quality to prevent pollution and ensure compliance with existing regulations. Take measures to protect and restore local water ecosystems.
5.3. Compliance: Stay informed about all laws, regulations, and permits related to water and adhere to them. Regularly audit and review our water management practices to ensure compliance.
5.4. Resource Conservation: Support water conservation efforts within our communities. Encourage education and sustainability initiatives on water among our employees and stakeholders.
5.5. Review and Improvement: This Water Management Policy will undergo annual review to ensure effectiveness and appropriateness. Necessary changes and improvements will be made to align with our goals and emerging best practices at ISG Airport Hotel.